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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 131: summary

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An archaeological watching brief at Colchester Institute, Sheepen Road, Colchester, Essex: January-March 2001
by Orr, K
(with contributions from Benfield, S; Brooks, H.)

Date report completed: 31/03/2001
Location: Sheepen, Colchester, Essex
Map reference(s): TL98832570
File size: 1298 kb
Project type: Watching brief
Significance of the results: *
Keywords: Iron Age, industrial centre, Roman pottery, Roman pit, Roman building, roman wall, amphora, ceramic building materials, scheduled ancient monument, samian ware, opus signinum

Summary. The site lies on the eastern side of the late Iron Age and early Roman industrial centre and settlement at Sheepen. The watching brief produced an assemblage of mostly 1st-century AD Roman amphoras and pottery of types which had been commonly found previously at Sheepen. Several pits were recorded, one of which was datable to the early Roman period by the pottery within it. A short stretch of mortared Roman tiles presumed to be a wall or foundation to a Roman building was found by the contractors after the watching brief had finished.