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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 197: summary

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An archaeological evaluation by trial-trenching on Area C at Colchester Garrison PFI site, Colchester, Essex: May-June 2002
by Brooks, H
(with contributions from Benfield, S; Brooks, H, Crummy, N; Fryer, V; Lavender, N; Sealey, Dr. P.)

Date report completed: 16/08/2002
Location: Garrison, Colchester, Essex
Map reference(s): TL99402335
File size: 1500 kb
Project type: Evaluation
Significance of the results: * *
Keywords: Post-medieval, small finds, Iron Age, prehistoric field ditches, trackway/droveway, ceramic building materials, earthworks, cropmarks, prehistoric pottery

Summary. Eighteen trenches were excavated in Area C. The majority of the excavated archaeological contexts were modern or post-medieval in date (39%). The next largest group of features was undated (23%) or of natural origin (20%). There were eleven Roman ditches or pits, one Iron Age ditch, and five prehistoric pits; together these constituted 18% of all excavated features. Much disturbance had been caused by recent digging (30% of modern or post-medieval contexts contained residual Roman or prehistoric finds, and the largest group of Roman finds (7.9kg of tile and pottery) was residual in a modern dumped layer). The significant Roman or later prehistoric features were widely spaced. However, in one part of the area (Trenches C15 and C16) there was a pair of ditches defining a potential trackway (like those seen as cropmarks in Areas DR, R, M and P). Other ditches were part of a Roman (and later ?prehistoric) rectilinear landscape aligned approximately N-S/E-W. The alignment of these ditches is shared by a ditch in Trench C7 which produced the large stratified group of Middle Iron Age pottery. Trenching work continues in adjacent areas.