Colchester Archaeological Trust
CAT Report 288: summary
(Click on report title to view full report in PDF format)
An archaeological evaluation by trial-trenching at Area J1 of the Garrison Urban Village, Colchester, Essex: September 2004
by Ben Holloway and Howard Brooks
Date report completed: 07/10/2004
Location: Garrison, Colchester, Essex
Map reference(s): TL99252445, TL9942432, TL99602395
File size: 844 kb
Project type: Evaluation
Significance of the results: * *
Keywords: Bronze Age, Iron Age, metalled surface, human bone, Roman burial, Roman inhumation, cremation, small finds, prehistoric pottery, Roman pottery, trackway/droveway, World War 1/World War 2 defences
This is the archive report on an archaeological evaluation of Area J1 of the planned
urban village at Colchester Garrison, Colchester, Essex. The work was carried out
by Colchester Archaeological Trust under the management of RPS as part of a
programme of archaeological evaluation of areas of alienated land acquired by
Taylor Woodrow for residential development.
Seventeen trenches were excavated, totalling 581m of trenching. Sixty-one
features were recorded. Apart from modern disturbance and post-medieval ditches,
the features dated to the Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age, the Late Iron Age, and
(mainly) the Roman period. Roman activity was concentrated in trenches TJ10,
TJ11, TJ17, TJ19, TJ20, TJ23 and TJ24; this included demolition material and
robbed-out wall lines on a similar alignment to those observed in Area C2, a
metalled road sharing the alignment of that observed in Area C1, and a number of
inhumation and cremation burials. A number of boundary ditches and trackway
ditches were also recorded.