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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 315: summary

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Watching brief report: Olivers Lane, Gosbecks Archaeological Park, Colchester, Essex
by Orr, K

Date report completed: 05/05/2005
Location: Gosbecks, Colchester, Essex
Map reference(s): TL97082230
File size: 3550 kb
Project type: Watching brief
Significance of the results: Neg
Keywords: Scheduled Ancient Monument, cropmarks, aerial survey

Summary. The archaeological park covers an extensive area, and comprises nationally important archaeological remains of the late Iron Age and Roman periods. Knowledge of the site is based largely on an extensive aerial photographic record supported by some small excavations. One visit was made during the excavation of the trench. One possible archaeological feature was recorded; a ditch, 6m wide, cutting the natural sand. However, its fill, being similar to the topsoil, did not appear ancient; however, it may represent a former field boundary ditch.