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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 328: summary

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An archaeological watching brief at 'Lulworth', 44 Feering Hill, Feering, near Kelvedon, Essex: May-August 2004
by Orr, K

Date report completed: 06/06/2005
Location: Feering, Essex
Map reference(s): TL867192
File size: 15,620 kb
Project type: Watching brief (negative)
Significance of the results: Neg

Summary. An archaeological watching brief was carried out during a small residential development at 44 Feering Hill, Feering, Essex. The ground appeared to be undisturbed except by tree roots. Roman or Anglo-Saxon burials or settlement evidence was expected on the site; however, no features of archaeological interest were observed. No finds were retrieved although spoil heaps were checked. It is possible that outlying burials are present on the site but randomly placed and not disturbed by the groundworks. In terms of settlement, there was no evidence of anything earlier than modern occupation. Pottery, shell, bone and other finds indicative of settlement activity were absent.