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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 451: summary

(Click on report title to view full report in PDF format)

An archaeological watching brief at St Helena School car-park, Sheepen Road, Colchester, Essex July-August 2007
by Kate Orr

Date report completed: December 2007
Location: Colchester, Essex
Map reference(s): TL9898725786 (c)
File size: 55,147 kb
Project type: Watching Brief
Significance of the results: Negative

Summary. A watching brief was carried out on groundworks to reconstruct the car-park on the eastern side of the school grounds. This involved removing the old tarmac surface, creating a new path and cycle storage compound, and digging trenches for lighting cables. The groundworks largely only affected modern and post medieval layers and therefore did not expose any archaeological features. In one lighting-cable trench, the Roman ground-surface was exposed but no archaeological features were observed.