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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 468: summary

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Archaeological monitoring at 'Clintons', Bury Green, Little Hadham, Hertfordshire April 2008
by Ben Holloway

Date report completed: May 2008
Location: Little Hadham
Map reference(s): TL79633222 (C)
File size: 20,401 kb
Project type: Monitoring
Significance of the results: Negative

Summary. Observations were made during archaeological monitoring during groundworks at ‘Clintons', Bury Green, Little Hadham, Hertfordshire, during the topsoil- and subsoil-strip for the construction of an outdoor riding arena. No significant archaeological contexts were observed, but post-medieval plough scarring and field drains were noted. No finds were recovered, although peg-tile and post-medieval brick fragments were observed in the initial topsoil-strip.