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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 688: summary

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Archaeological evaluation by trial-trenching at ‘Bo Peep’, Station Road, Wickford, Essex - March 2013
by Ben Holloway
(with contributions from -)

Date report completed: March 2013
Location: ‘Bo Peep’, Station Road, Wickford, Essex
Map reference(s): TQ 7407 9472
File size: 21,406 kb
Project type: Evaluation by trial-trenching
Significance of the results: neg
Keywords: -

Summary. The development site lies within an area of archaeological potential adjacent to the Berne Hall moated site, which dates back to the 13th century. It is possible that medieval features associated with the moat survive to the north of the moat. Within 1 km of the site, archaeological evidence has been recorded, including a Bronze Age coin hoard, prehistoric pottery, Roman pottery and coins, and the possible route of a Roman road. An archaeological evaluation was carried out in March 2013. A single evaluation trench was excavated across the footprint of the proposed building. The trench was excavated through humic topsoil, and an accumulation horizon, which sealed natural geological deposits of brickearth and clay. No archaeological deposits or features were observed, and no evidence of features associated with access to the Berne Hall moated site. The absence of archaeological material or features and the significant depth of topsoil and accumulation material here suggest that the settlement focus of Berne Hall is within the moat to the south of the development site.