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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 723: summary

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Archaeological trial-trenching evaluation at Back Waterside Lane, rear of 90-102 High Street, Brightlingsea, Tendring, Essex - September 2013
by Mark Baister

Date report completed: September 2013
Location: Back Waterside Lane, rear of 90-102 High Street, Brightlingsea, Tendring, Essex
Map reference(s): TM 08985 16712
File size: 31,372 kb
Project type: Archaeological trial-trenching evaluation
Significance of the results: neg
Keywords: -

Summary. The site is located in Brightlingsea, on the west side of Back Waterside Lane and to the south of the High Street, within the medieval and early post-medieval core of the town. In advance of the erection of two semi detached bungalows and associated works, an evaluation by two trenches (total length 21m) was undertaken. Nothing of archaeological significance was discovered.