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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 1085: summary

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Archaeological excavation at Hill Farm, Boxted Cross, Boxted, Essex, CO4 5RD - March 2017
by Laura Pooley
(with contributions from Stephen Benfield, Lisa Gray)

Date report completed: June 2017
Location: Hill Farm, Boxted Cross, Boxted, Essex, CO4 5RD
Map reference(s): TM 0044 3248 (c)
File size: 3,782 kb
Project type: Archaeological excavation
Significance of the results: *
Keywords: ditch, pit, post-hole, tree-throw hole, field boundary, field system

Summary. An archaeological excavation was carried out at Hill Farm, Boxted Cross, Boxted, Essex prior to the construction of residential dwellings. The development site is located close to a number of prehistoric cropmarks and field systems, including the Boxted 'henge'. Evaluation in 2016 revealed possible prehistoric and Roman field boundary ditches, a possible medieval pit, a post-medieval (16th- to 17th-century) ditch and brick foundation, a number of undated ditches, pits and post-holes, and several modern features. Excavation revealed 15 archaeologically significant features consisting of ten ditches, three pits and two small pits/post-holes. In addition to this, there were six tree-throw holes, two modern pits and a modern service. Although dating evidence was rare across the whole site, most of the poorly-dated ditches are likely to represent Roman field boundaries forming a complex field system most likely associated with a pastoral economy and stock-management. One ditch produced 26 sherds of a Dressel 20 amphora and can be more confidently dated to the early Roman period. A single possible medieval ditch was also identified.