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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 1178: summary

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Archaeological evaluation on land east of 78 Harwich Road, Little Oakley, Essex, CO12 5JA: October 2017
by Dr Elliott Hicks
(with contributions from Stephen Benfield, Lisa Gray MSc MA ACIfA Archaeobotanist)

Date report completed: October 2017
Location: land east of 78 Harwich Road, Little Oakley, Essex, CO12 5JA
Map reference(s): TM 22206 29369 (c)
File size: 2,873 kb
Project type: Archaeological evaluation
Significance of the results: *
Keywords: Middle Bronze Age, ?Bronze Age, later ?prehistoric, Roman, medieval, pottery, pit

Summary. An archaeological evaluation (consisting of four trial-trenches) was carried out on land east of 78 Harwich Road, Little Oakley, Essex in advance of the construction of up to three new dwellings. The evaluation revealed a Bronze Age pit and produced prehistoric, Roman and medieval pottery, indicating multi-period activity or occupation on this site which corresponds with the findings of archaeological investigations previously conducted in the area.