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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 1999: summary

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Archaeological evaluation on land to the east of Meadow View, High Street, Long Melford, Suffolk, CO10 9DB: October 2023
by Ben Holloway
(with contributions from Dr Matthew Loughton, Laura Pooley, Bronagh Rae-Quinn & Alec Wade)

Date report completed: December 2023
Location: land to the east of Meadow View, High Street, Long Melford, Suffolk, CO10 9DB
Map reference(s): TL 86940 47020
File size: 6,233KB kb
Project type: evaluation
Significance of the results:

Summary. An archaeological evaluation (five trial-trenches) was carried out at ‘Meadow View’, High Street, Long Melford, Suffolk in advance of the construction of five new residential dwellings. The site is located within an archaeologically sensitive area, to the north-west of the historic settlement of Long Melford.

The evaluation revealed seven ditches, four pits and a pit/pond. Possible Middle Iron Age pottery was recovered from two of the pits and Late Iron Age pottery from a third. Five of the ditches were undated, with one producing finds of Roman date and another medieval. A post-medieval/modern pit and pit/pond were also present.