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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 2026: summary

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Archaeological evaluation at Alder Park, land adjacent to Cliphedge Farm, Harwich Road, Little Bentley, Essex, CO7 8SZ: January 2024
by Dr Elliott Hicks
(with contributions from Dr Matthew Loughton, Laura Pooley, Tabitha Lawrence, Alec Wade & Bronagh Rae-Quinn)

Date report completed: March 2024
Location: Alder Park, land adjacent to Cliphedge Farm, Harwich Road, Little Bentley, Essex, CO7 8SZ
Map reference(s): TM 10560 24991 (centre)
File size: 4,059 kb
Project type: evaluation
Significance of the results:

Summary. An archaeological evaluation (12 trial-trenches) was carried out at Alder Park, land adjacent to Cliphedge Farm, Harwich Road, Little Bentley, Essex, in advance of the construction of six nonresidential buildings.

Harwich Road is thought to have its origins in the Roman period, and the site lies in the midst of numerous cropmark complexes. Excavations at the site revealed a prehistoric gully and a pit or tree-throw possibly dating to the Late Iron Age, indicating that a settlement may have stood nearby during this period. A post-medieval pit and a modern pit and ditch were also uncovered.