Colchester Archaeological Trust
CAT Report 2116: summary
(Click on report title to view full report in PDF format)
Archaeological evaluation on land north-east of
Colchester Road, West Bergholt, Essex,
CO6 3JG: November 2024
by Bronagh Rae-Quinn
(with contributions from Dr Matthew Loughton, Laura Pooley and Tabitha Lawrence)
Date report completed: 17/12/2024
Location: land north-east of Colchester Road, West Bergholt, Essex, CO6 3JG
Map reference(s): TL 96160 28196 (centre)
File size: 4100 kb
Project type: Archaeological evaluation
Significance of the results:
An archaeological evaluation (16 trial-trenches) was carried out on land north-east of Colchester
Road, West Bergholt, Essex during groundworks for the construction of a new housing
development. Archaeological features included three ditches and four charcoal-rich pits. All
three of the ditches are post-medieval field boundaries visible on the first edition OS map of
1875. One of the charcoal-rich pits produced medieval pottery sherds but the others were
undated. They could be associated with charcoal production (as seen elsewhere in northern
Colchester) but are perhaps more likely to be related to land clearance. Also excavated were a
modern pit, undated pit and three undated tree-throws.