package ac.essex.graphing.plotting; 
import ac.essex.graphing.plotting.Plotter; 
import java.awt.*; 
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; 
import java.util.Vector; 
 * <p/> 
 *<br /> 
 * Renders graphs using the Java 2D API 
 * </p> 
 * <p/> 
 * All customisable settings are defined in 
 * </p> 
 * <p/> 
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License 
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version, 
 * provided that any use properly credits the author. 
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
 * GNU General Public License for more details at 
 * </p> 
 * @author Olly Oechsle, University of Essex 
 * @see ac.essex.graphing.plotting.PlotSettings 
 * @version 1.1 
public class Graph { 
    public static final String VERSION = "Java Plot 1.1"; 
     * A graph may plot as many functions as it wants 
     * These may all be of different types. 
    public Vector<Plotter> functions; 
     * The area and general settings of the graph are all defined 
     * by a PlotArea object. 
    public PlotSettings plotSettings; 
     * Initialises the graph with the plot settings to use. 
    public Graph(PlotSettings p) { 
        this.functions = new Vector<Plotter>(5); 
        this.plotSettings = p; 
    protected double plotRangeX, plotRangeY; 
     * How many pixels are there available to use in the graph? 
     * This is the size of the image minus the border size. 
    protected int chartWidth, chartHeight; 
    protected double unitsPerPixelX, unitsPerPixelY; 
     * Draws the graph using a graphics object. 
     * Note, X axis labels come from the first function (this only applies to discrete functions) 
     * @param g      The graphics context on which to draw 
     * @param width  The width to make the graph 
     * @param height The height to make the graph 
    public void draw(Graphics g, int width, int height) { 
         * Draw the title 
        if (plotSettings.title != null) { 
            // ensure the border top can accommodate the title 
            if (plotSettings.marginTop < g.getFontMetrics().getHeight() + 20) { 
                plotSettings.marginTop = g.getFontMetrics().getHeight() + 20; 
            int titleXPosition = (width / 2) - ((g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(plotSettings.title)) / 2); 
            g.drawString(plotSettings.title, titleXPosition, 10 + g.getFontMetrics().getHeight()); 
         * Calculate the plot range 
        plotRangeX = Math.abs(plotSettings.maxX - plotSettings.minX); 
        plotRangeY = Math.abs(plotSettings.maxY - plotSettings.minY); 
           First we need to know how many pixels there are across the panel 
           And we can divide that number between the range that we've been assigned. 
        chartWidth = width - (plotSettings.marginLeft + plotSettings.marginRight); 
        chartHeight = height - (plotSettings.marginTop + plotSettings.marginBottom); 
           Calculate the number of units per pixel 
        unitsPerPixelX = plotRangeX / chartWidth; 
        unitsPerPixelY = plotRangeY / chartHeight; 
         * Set the background colour 
        g.fillRect(plotSettings.marginLeft, plotSettings.marginTop, chartWidth - 1, chartHeight - 1); 
        int columnIndex = 0; 
         * Draw X Axis Notches 
        double firstGridXLocation = ((int) (plotSettings.getMinX() / plotSettings.getGridSpacingX())) * plotSettings.getGridSpacingX(); 
        for (double px = firstGridXLocation; px <= plotSettings.getMaxX(); px += plotSettings.getGridSpacingX()) { 
            if (px < plotSettings.getMinX()) continue; 
            // find the position of each point and draw a line 
            int plotX = getPlotX(px); 
            int plotY = plotSettings.marginTop + chartHeight; 
            // vertical grid lines 
            if (plotSettings.verticalGridVisible) { 
                g.drawLine(plotX, plotSettings.marginTop, plotX, plotY); 
            // and draw a notch on the X axis. 
            g.drawLine(plotX, plotY, plotX, plotY + plotSettings.notchLength); 
            // work out the value at this point and draw 
            String value; 
            int labelXPosition; 
            // Note: X Axis labels come from the first function 
            Plotter function = functions.elementAt(0); 
            if (function instanceof DiscreteFunctionPlotter) { 
                DiscreteFunctionPlotter discrete = (DiscreteFunctionPlotter) function; 
                value = discrete.getLabel(columnIndex); 
                int columnWidth = chartWidth / discrete.getColumnCount(); 
                int columnCenterX = (columnIndex * columnWidth) + (columnWidth / 2); 
                labelXPosition = columnCenterX - ((g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(value)) / 2) + plotSettings.marginLeft; 
            } else { 
                //value = plotSettings.numberFormatter.format(plotSettings.minX + (plotRangeX * labelX)); 
                value = plotSettings.numberFormatter.format(px); 
                labelXPosition = plotX - (g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(value)) / 2; 
            // draw the value underneath the notch 
            g.drawString(value, labelXPosition, plotY + plotSettings.notchLength + g.getFontMetrics().getHeight() - 1 + plotSettings.notchGap); 
         * Draw Y Axis Notches and Labels 
        double firstGridYLocation = ((int) (plotSettings.getMinY() / plotSettings.getGridSpacingY())) * plotSettings.getGridSpacingY(); 
        for (double py = firstGridYLocation; py <= plotSettings.getMaxY(); py += plotSettings.getGridSpacingY()) { 
            if (py < plotSettings.getMinY()) continue; 
            // find the position of each point and draw a line 
            int plotX = plotSettings.marginLeft; 
            int plotY = getPlotY(py); 
            // horizontal gridColor lines 
            if (plotSettings.horizontalGridVisible) { 
                g.drawLine(plotSettings.marginLeft, plotY, plotSettings.marginLeft + chartWidth - 1, plotY); 
            // draw a notch on the Y axis 
            g.drawLine(plotX, plotY, plotX - plotSettings.notchLength, plotY); 
            // work out the value at this point and draw 
            String value = plotSettings.numberFormatter.format(py); 
            // work out how wide this string is 
            int textXOffset = (g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(value)); 
            g.drawString(value, plotX - plotSettings.notchLength - textXOffset - plotSettings.notchGap, plotY + (g.getFontMetrics().getHeight() / 2) - 1); 
         * Draw a box around the whole graph to delimit the Axes 
        g.drawRect(plotSettings.marginLeft, plotSettings.marginTop, chartWidth, chartHeight); 
         * Draw the horizontal and vertical axes that go through the point at 0,0. 
        int yEqualsZero = getPlotY(0) + 0; 
        if (0 > plotSettings.getMinY() && 0 < plotSettings.getMaxY()) 
            g.drawLine(plotSettings.marginLeft, yEqualsZero, plotSettings.marginLeft + chartWidth - 1, yEqualsZero); 
        int xEqualsZero = getPlotX(0) + 0; 
        if (0 > plotSettings.getMinX() && 0 < plotSettings.getMaxX()) 
            g.drawLine(xEqualsZero, plotSettings.marginTop, xEqualsZero, plotSettings.marginTop + chartHeight); 
         * And finally - draw the results of the function onto the chart. 
        for (int i = 0; i < functions.size(); i++) { 
            Plotter function = functions.elementAt(i); 
            function.plot(this, g, chartWidth, chartHeight); 
     * Uses the numeric value of Y (as returned by a function) and 
     * figures out which pixel on screen this relates to. 
    public int getPlotY(double y) { 
         * Convert Y into pixel coordinates again 
        int pixelY = ((int) ((y - plotSettings.minY) / unitsPerPixelY)); 
         * We also need to flip the Y axis because Y is counted from the top 
         * and not the bottom. Add the various borders 
        return ((chartHeight - pixelY) + plotSettings.marginTop); 
     * Uses the numeric value of X, and figures out which pixel on the screen 
     * this relates to. 
    public int getPlotX(double x) { 
        return (int) (((x - plotSettings.minX) / unitsPerPixelX) + plotSettings.marginLeft); 
     * Takes a numeric distance and calculates how many actual pixels high that is. 
    public double getActualHeight(double height) { 
        return height / unitsPerPixelY; 
     * Takes a numeric distance and calculates how many actual pixels wide that is. 
    public double getActualWidth(double width) { 
        return width / unitsPerPixelX; 
     * Takes a set number of actual pixels on the screen (in the Y direction) 
     * And returns how long they are, if plotted on the graph. 
    public double getPlotHeight(double height) { 
        return height * unitsPerPixelY; 
     * Takes a set number of actual pixels on the screen (in the X direction) 
     * And returns how long they are, if plotted on the graph. 
    public double getPlotWidth(double width) { 
        return width * unitsPerPixelX; 
    public double getActualX(int pixelX) { 
        return plotSettings.minX + (pixelX * unitsPerPixelX); 
     * Plots a line between two sets of values. 
     * @param g  Graphics context upon which to write 
     * @param x1 First point X 
     * @param y1 First point Y 
     * @param x2 Second point X 
     * @param y2 Second point Y 
    public void drawLine(Graphics g, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { 
        g.drawLine(getPlotX(x1), getPlotY(y1), getPlotX(x2), getPlotY(y2)); 
     * Draws a bar 
     * @param g            Graphics context upon which to write 
     * @param totalColumns How many columns are there in total? 
     * @param columnIndex  The index of the column, starting at zero (determines which bar to draw) 
     * @param height       How high should the bar be 
     * @param fill         What colour should the bar be? 
    public void drawBar(Graphics g, double columnWidth, int columnIndex, double height, Color fill) { 
         * The gap on each side of the column 
        final double hgap = 0.1; 
         * The actual height of the bar 
        int barHeight = (int) getActualHeight(height); 
         * The Y position at the top of the bar. 
        int maxPlotY = getPlotY(height); 
         * Where to start drawing the bar in the X direction 
        int columnStartX = getPlotX(columnIndex * columnWidth); 
        int gap = (int) +(getActualWidth(columnWidth) * hgap); 
        // Draw the bar: 
        g.fillRect(columnStartX + gap, maxPlotY, (int) getActualWidth(columnWidth) - (gap * 2), barHeight); 
        g.drawRect(columnStartX + gap, maxPlotY, (int) getActualWidth(columnWidth) - (gap * 2), barHeight); 
     * Draws a candlestick plot, which I've chosen to define as a set of three values: high, mean and low. 
     * @param g           The graphics context upon which to draw 
     * @param columnWidth How many units wide is a column? 
     * @param columnIndex The index of the column, starting at zero (determines which bar to draw) 
     * @param high        The highest value 
     * @param mean        The average value 
     * @param low         The lowest value 
    public void drawCandleStick(Graphics g, double columnWidth, int columnIndex, double high, double mean, double low, Color lineColor, Color backgroundColor) { 
         * Find out how much room there is for each "column" 
        int halfColumnWidth = (int) getActualWidth(columnWidth / 2); 
        final int bigNotchWidth = halfColumnWidth / 2; 
        final int smallNotchWidth = halfColumnWidth / 3; 
         * Where to start drawing the candlestick in the X direction 
        int columnX = getPlotX(columnIndex * columnWidth) + halfColumnWidth; 
        // get screen coordinates 
        int maxPlotY = getPlotY(high); 
        int meanPlotY = getPlotY(mean); 
        int minPlotY = getPlotY(low); 
        // the vertical line 
        if (backgroundColor != null) { 
            g.fillRect(columnX - smallNotchWidth, maxPlotY, smallNotchWidth * 2, (int) getActualHeight(high - low) + 1); 
        g.drawLine(columnX, minPlotY, columnX, maxPlotY); 
        // notch at top for the high value 
        g.drawLine(columnX - bigNotchWidth, minPlotY, columnX + bigNotchWidth, minPlotY); 
        // notch at the middle for the mean value 
        g.drawLine(columnX - smallNotchWidth, meanPlotY, columnX + smallNotchWidth, meanPlotY); 
        // notch at the bottom for the low value 
        g.drawLine(columnX - bigNotchWidth, maxPlotY, columnX + bigNotchWidth, maxPlotY); 
     * Returns the graph as an image so that it can be saved. 
    public BufferedImage getImage(int width, int height) { 
        BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); 
        Graphics g = image.getGraphics(); 
        g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); 
        draw(g, width, height); 
        return image; 